Delve into the mechanisms that drive culture and learn what steps we can take to forge a more positive culture in our communities.

  • Culture perpetuates itself - for better or worse. This book focuses on the impact of culture and how to use its power and influence to shape a positive society, break generational curses, and return to our spiritual heritage. Through the use of research in various fields of study, we seek to understand why certain people groups are successful during the post-colonial rebuilding process and others fracture.

    Building culture is a necessary, purposeful action that must take place to ensure our wellbeing and the continuation of our growth as a subculture in a hostile world. Israelites throughout the centuries have had to adapt to harsh surroundings by holding to the one element that unified them: culture. They accomplished this while banding together across theological, geographic, and ethnic schisms within the diaspora. Now we face similar challenges - albeit to a larger degree.

    This research seeks to light the flame of change, inspire intentional action, and direct our efforts toward building communities that promote health and prosperity within the context of exile.

    Also included in the volume is a tool useful to ensure we are living a lifestyle that promotes the continuation of our culture and the simultaneous rejection of our colonial culture.

    Here we build for tomorrow … and the time after Forever